Jacqueline Hohl | Personal Branding with Video & Photography

Williamsport, Pennsylvania yoga therapist Jacqueline Hohl and I met by chance when I announced her the winner of a free photoshoot contest I ran during my first studio open house. Jaqueline was thrilled, stating she “had never won anything before,” and explained that she would love to have a yoga-inspired fitness photoshoot.


On the day of her photoshoot, we agreed to meet at the coffee shop on the first floor of my then-studio’s building in the Pajama Factory. I was immediately taken by Jacqueline’s calming presence. Typically the fitness type intimidates me; not because I find them scary, but because my exercise knowledge doesn’t exist beyond hiking. However, I didn’t feel shy with Jacqueline. Small talk was easy with her bright eyes and big smile.

We made our way to the studio to drop off a few things, but not to stay. We had the better idea of exploring the rest of the Pajama Factory for a photo site.

The juxtaposition of Jacqueline’s grace within the industrial setting was not as jarring as I thought it might be. Something about Jak’s inviting presence positioned her somewhere between rawness and elegance. Even among the bending and twisting, she just seemed to fit.

Fast forward a year from that shoot, we found ourselves in the the same setting, this time for an interview. Jak had decided to pursue her passion as a yoga therapist and begin branding her online presence. In typical Jacqueline fashion, we bartered a few yoga classes in exchange for a promotional video. Watch below.

Though the studio is long gone, my friendship with Jak stayed. I find that, even long after the project has been paid for (or in this case, the yoga sessions), the most important part of taking photographs or making videos is the relationship forged along the way. I cannot wait to see Jacqueline grow as a yoga instructor in the Williamsport, Pennsylvania area and beyond.

Learn more about Jacqueline by visiting www.jacquelinehohl.com.